Monday, November 29, 2010

Baraka Movie

        The movie Baraka covered many different and interesting topics that I hadn't have ever thought of before. It was a very touching thing to watch. I don't think I have ever been able to see certain parts of life like that before and it was a good thing to see that there may be some beauty in the world but there was also some evil in it as well. At first I was confused about what the movie was trying to show or bring the message across about. But then towards the end of the movie I was able to understand more of the actual movie.

        Baraka was a mixture of different things in the actual movie. But honestly what really caught my attention was when they showed what was going on with the baby chickens in the factories. I think it caught my attention more because you saw the wrong that was happen to such little innocent things that hadn't even done anything to anyone or anything. I think that really caught my attention and liking towards the movie.  It was an honestly a good movie, and I enjoyed the imaginary it captured a good idea of the life of other people.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Page 114-121 Blog Notes

Shoot a Formal Portrait (114 -115 )

  • Time and effort that is put in to shooting and setting up your shots helps produce better quality shots in the final product
  • Sometimes having a friend asist you to help you stay calm will make your person you are shooting calmer aswell.
  • Set your background close to a wall but 10 - 20 feet away from the subject to give the photo dimension to it.
  • Make sure no other light source is putting a weird lighting on the picture.
  • Don't shoot too far away from the subject but a distance of 6 to 10 feet away from your subject.
  • Coloring can add a new mood or feeling to an object that you are shooting.
Camera Settings

  • It's a good idea to make the background out of focus and in a wide framed shot aswell
  • also creates shallowness and depth to the picture and more sharpness and on the main focus of the picture too.
  • Making your shutter speed faster will help the subject not blink if there is a large or bright flash that is going to be applied.
Light For Formal Portraits
  • Light on a 45 degree angle is probally best.
  • Using a reflector will also help in an indoor setting.
  • Using the simplist lighting is probally best aswell.
  • Direct sunlight isnt the best lighting for portraits
  • Open shade would probally work best for shooting and make your subject feel more comfortable being outside too.
  • a friend using a reflector is also needed
  • Cloudly days are great for outside photography. make very flattering portraits for all the people who are in the shot.
The Candid Portrait

  • Capturing a person doing everyday activities or things not staging it at all
  • Trying to get shots without the subject noticing you or posing is the most effective way to get a good candid shot of that person
  • a subjects surrounding give the photo more meaning and context to the picture itself and colors will also add to different moods to the picture and to the person too.
  • candid assignments cause you to take more picture than you would for any other asssignment to get a good single picture,
  • Family snap shots can help them by looking through family pictures.
Camera Settings

  • Taking action shots with candid shots which means you need a faster shutter speed the you would usually need
  • Flash is very useful for the candid shots
  • If you are using flash get close to get a good distance because most auto flashes don't work that well with long distances
  • it doesnt just show the subjects face it also shows the subjects life and feeling to the person
  • Enviornmental portraits can take a completey good picture of a person to show their personality and such\
  • Wide angle lenses are also useful in capturing enviornmental portaits aswell especially when indoors. Zoom can help take or add the feeling of closeness or far away feeling to the picture that could be good asweell

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Journal Notes Pages 102 - 113

-----People are most popular subject for photography.
Early Portrait Photography
----- Painting was used for portraits at first
-----  first portrait in France in 1853
---- Used soft lighting and plain, dark backgrounds

Creating Portrait Photos
Think Artistically
----Textures and shapes become more or less visible with changes in value
---- You can use light and dark values to make certain things stand out
---- A successful portrait photographer learns to become comfortable in front of people and work with them well

Camera Formats
---- Balance between having enough details

Film Choices for Portraits

Film Speed
--- Slow Films
--- Fast Films

Black and White or Color?
--- Black and White
--- Take out distracting elements
--- Color
------Can show feelings and expressions

Warm colors
--Red orange and yellow

Cool Colors

--- Blue and green

Camera Accessories

--Cable Release

• Formal portrait

-- should emphazie just the person 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Photo Essay Photos

Ashyln O'Keefe jumping high up for a ball over her head not losing sight of the ball making sure it is in her glove.

Maddy Nasiar reaching for the ball to practice her catching skills at 3rd base

Jenny Grech practicing her base-running skills ready to keep scoring during the season that is coming up soon.

Sharona praciting her rotation to make a strong throw to homeplate from 3rd base

Ashlyn watching the ball all the way into her glove starting to get up and get ready to throw the ball into first base for an out!

After all we do we kick up the dirt from the the play leaving it like this after a long days work of practice

Ari the youngest girl on the team doesn't let age bug her being one of the best catchers in the league and always working hard to become a better player with a strong arm

Michelle charged in on the ball getiing a good hop over it making it an easy repition play for her that she can do over and over

Friday, October 1, 2010

Carrer Photojourlasim

Many photo journalist take pictures of sporting events. An example is Kirk Gibson's famous homerun shot. Here is the link to that photo. Ive tried to locate the photograpghper but iI have not been able to do such

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Photography Carrer. Event Photography

Event Photography Notes

  • Usually is taken place in poorly lighted areas.
  • You need a good strong flash
  • You will need your camera capable of taking pictures in low lighting, two tenses, lots of memory cards, lots of batteries, and buinessnes cards.
  • You can us programs like photoshop, canon zoom broswer software, black and white converter, and adobe camera raw.
  • store in mutiple places so photos arent lost and deleted. ( more than one folder and CD or sending it to a friend or family member and they do the same thing)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Photo Journalism

Photographer: Chris Cheesman
Picture of young boy

Photographer: Mike Simmons

Photographer: John Gushue

Photographer: David Brancho

Photographer:Rob Galgraith

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Elements And Principles

Something Small Look Big

This Is A HUGE Fence In My Grandmother's Backyard


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Journal Notes Pages 60-65

Here Is An Example Of Slow Shutter Speed

Here Is An Example Of A Fast Shutter Speed

Two Photos Demonstrating Two Elements of What Was Taught To Us In Pages 60 - 65

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Line Shape And Form

Line, Shape, And Form

A picture of the bleacher seats in my backyard. I used the color splash effect to focus on the line the seats form to make.

You can see the time from the rounded side of the bricks. Taken from my living room.

No effects used, photo of a candle display.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Two Photos that weren't included in my photo autobiography, others will be uploaded as soon as i can get the other ones transferred over to my new computer because i just got a new computer.