Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Architecture Photos

Heidi Kirkpatrick Landscape Photographer

Heidi Kirkpatrick's Photography

Heidi was born in 1959 in Springfield, Ohio.Based in Portland Oregon 
Kirkpatrick’s work is included in collections at The Museum of Fine Arts in Huoston, and also a lot of other places as well, where a large variety of her work was being displayed. She develops her own images by using silver gelatin printing and other ways as well. Heidi takes her amazing pictures using a Holga which is a very simple camera that is almost $25 and very simple and it costs more probally to develop the actual film than the actual cost camera itself. In 2004 she started teaching at Northwest Academy high school. Her work often shows a view of the world through the eyes of women.

Here are examples of her work;

Here is what the camera (Holga) looks like, the one that she used to take the shots shown above;

Landscape Notes

Abstracted Elements in the Landscape

  • abstracted elements are images made up of lines, shapes, values, and textures throughout all the picture.
  • a good way to turn an ordinary scene into an abstract image is to go up really close using a macro setting usually and looking only at one perspective of it and focusing in on that one area.
  • look for interesting shapes will help you recieve the best abstract pictures that you can get in a picture

Landscape Details and Close-ups
  • Fall's beautiful foliage or extravagent flowers during spring will add color to your photos of landscape details and a different feeling to them as well.
  • Light meters are designed to create an exposure that makes medium or middle gray seem metered
  • with lighter values = open the f-stop or slow down shutter speed for longer exposure
  • for darker values = close the f-stop or choose faster shutter speed for shorter exposure

The Grand Landscape:

  • the grand landscape is the "big view" for pictures of the great outdoors because of the wide openness that doesn't limit you
  • grand landscapes always include a large amount of the scene and then they also look good when using widelenses
     Thinking artistically:
  • Composition is one of the most important aspects of landscape photography 
  • view point also affects how the picture comes out looking
  • try out a lot of different views when taking a picture before you settle on one.

  • value is important
  • try to get balance between unity and variety because it creates a good looking photograph

     Camera Settings:
  • smaller fstop means longer shutter speeds , meaning more exposure.

  • many  photographers shoot mostly just after sunrise and right before sunset "golden hours"
  • and color of light is warm gold-value is importan, images with wide range of tones are more dramatic & those with smaller range are more calm feeling, so tones play a big deal in the feel of your picture

  • Camera Support:

  • Tripods are useful to get a sharp and clear images that come out looking really nice

Friday, January 14, 2011

Architecture Notes

  • The Big View
  • · Wide angel over all view
  • · Image that shows you the whole building
  • · Try and capture the objects shadow
  • o lines, shapes, and value of the object
  • The Detail Shot
  • · The individual architectural elements of a buildings interior or exterior
  • o Door
  • o brick
  • Interior Views
  • ·S Slow f-stop
  • Interior Shots
  • Limited area to place camera
  • indirect portrait of peoples presencePhotographing the Built Enviorment
  • Think artistically
  • Use line to lead the viewer's eye
  • Consider the buildings surroundings and how that affects the shot
  • Pattern strengthens images
  • The sharper the better
  • Thinking Artistically...
    • What are the emotions of the space
    • What is the idea of the space as a whole
    • Patterns - bricks, fabric, wallpaper, columns, etc.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

In Class Movie Notes

  • First paper to sell itself with pictures, with big and a lot of photograph was the Daily News
  • Pictures were used to attract attention from comsumer so that they would buy there newspaper instead of others
  • Lots of papers were filled with lots of scandals
  • They began to starting to have people to pose in there papers to create new stories that had never been shown before
  • Biggest news on the Daily News was when he snuck in a camera on his ankle to get the picture of a man being excecuted
  • Photography helped advertistment
  • People believed that photographs were true and that drawings could lie to them and companies began to catch on to that to get their products to sell
  • Helped turn things into something consumers would desire to have. they made it something you want to have by how it looked.
  • All people like gangsters, preachers, and others could become famous through pictures if they could take a good picture, people began to want to know about them.
  • Babe Ruth was the first sports star to have his picture used as a comaidity to sell things, sports stars were begining to come out through photography.
  • Pictures began to relate you to that celebrity that the picture was of
  • Daily News made a picture of Rudoplh Valentiono in heavan instead of him and his death, many people went to his funeral it became a frenzy for the tabliods after his death.
  • Photography allows us to see things that we couldnt see just looking at it , it expands our five senses to see it