Friday, January 14, 2011

Architecture Notes

  • The Big View
  • · Wide angel over all view
  • · Image that shows you the whole building
  • · Try and capture the objects shadow
  • o lines, shapes, and value of the object
  • The Detail Shot
  • · The individual architectural elements of a buildings interior or exterior
  • o Door
  • o brick
  • Interior Views
  • ·S Slow f-stop
  • Interior Shots
  • Limited area to place camera
  • indirect portrait of peoples presencePhotographing the Built Enviorment
  • Think artistically
  • Use line to lead the viewer's eye
  • Consider the buildings surroundings and how that affects the shot
  • Pattern strengthens images
  • The sharper the better
  • Thinking Artistically...
    • What are the emotions of the space
    • What is the idea of the space as a whole
    • Patterns - bricks, fabric, wallpaper, columns, etc.

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